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Aligning and delivering on Quality Improvement Plan commitments can be a real challenge. Ensuring stakeholder involvement, visibility of progress and accurate reporting can be supported by technology.


This guide addresses the essential steps to organize and manage your QIP work plans, oversee the activities, and report against quality indicators. We also give useful tips on how Life QI can make all this much easier for you.


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What's inside


Engaging staff and stakeholders, tracking project activity and regular reporting against quality indicators are some important factors which are essential to successfully deliver on your Quality Improvement Plan commitments. Using Life QI as an all-in-one improvement platform makes the process even more effective.



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Engaging QI Stakeholders

Setup an QIP group and invite all stakeholders to share in discussions and projects.


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Setting Priorities

Add priorities to your QIP group and in turn link your QIP projects to the relevant priorities.


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Running Improvement Projects

Encourage teams to run projects and link them to your QIP group(s) and programme(s) for shared visibility.


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Track Progress and Impact

Reports and Dashboards allow you to track progress across the portfolio of work.


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Quantify Improvement against chosen indicators

Understand how you are progressing toward your stated goal for each of your indicators.


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Spread and share success

Use the project progress scores to highlight the successes (and failures) across the QIP group to inform learning and future action.