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As you embark on and progress along your improvement journey there are many challenges to overcome. Appropriate use of technology can be a powerful enabler in tackling these challenges.


In this guide we show how using technology, such as Life QI can help accelerate the improvement journey by enabling capacity development, project execution and informed decision making.


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What's inside


An increasing number of healthcare providers across Ireland are building improvement skills, executing projects and running effective QI governance using Life QI.



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Building improvement skills

Developing the right skills at the right levels of the organisation is a crucial component in wide-spread sustainable improvement.


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Executing improvement projects

Once staff have been empowered to act and trained in QI, it’s time to execute on their ideas – effectively, consistently, and at scale.


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Effective governance and tracking ROI

Complete, accurate, real-time data is needed to enable effective governance that tracks what’s working, what’s not, and allows the necessary adjustments to be made early.