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run 5x more projects

Run 5x more projects 


Scaling improvement can be a challenge, but analysis of our customers shows a 5x increase in projects after implementing Life QI as the central home for improvement work. Simplify the process for staff running improvement projects, with dedicated software that includes user-friendly QI tools. Allow your improvement team to make a bigger impact by increasing project efficiency and reducing day-to-day admin.


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Deliver 9x more improvements


Running more projects is great, but every improvement program is judged on impact. On average, customers deliver 9x more successful improvement projects using Life QI. The consistent application of your improvement methods encourages better project process, enhancing outcomes. Real-time dashboards allow better understanding of project progress and activity, allowing for proactive support to be provided at any time.


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deliver more improvements
save hours on reporting

Save hundreds of hours on reporting 


Life QI customers report savings of over 20% of their time spent on reporting. Complete visibility and real-time dashboards mean better reporting that takes less time. Allowing you to demonstrate the impact and return of your improvement work more effectively, and efficiently.


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Join healthcare organisations like these


Scaling up improvement at Yale New Haven Children's Hospital

Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital (YNHCH) is among the nation’s best children’s hospitals and is highly ranked nationally in six out of ten pediatric sub-specialities. The hospital has a strong record of improvement and has been nationally recognised for QI work a number of times.


Despite their many successes, YNHCH believed their efforts to improve were being held back by:

  • • Lack of visibility of improvement work across the hospital, and limited ability to monitor its progress.

  • • Initiatives losing momentum over time, sometimes never to be completed.

  • • No central repository for QI work, or structured approach for staff to follow.

To help address these issues, YNHCH began using Life QI in Summer 2020. In their first year, they initiated over 30 projects across multiple departments.


Life QI is helping YNHCH maintain good engagement from staff in QI and has led to over 30% of projects demonstrating improvement. It’s a fantastic start and one we are really excited to be a part of and to build on over the coming years.

The Life QI platform is a MUST for anyone running quality improvement projects. It's easy to use, intuitive and accessible from any device connected to the internet. Most importantly, the QI charting functionality is one of the best out there!

Forid Alom

Forid Alom

Head of Analytics,
East London NHS Foundation Trust

Introducing Life QI across Cygnet has given us a real way to support our staff to deliver meaningful improvements. Life QI has given us a practical way to record improvement activity, whilst the powerful dash-boarding functions allow us to have the right information discussed in key areas of the organisation.

David Wilmott

David Wilmott

Director of Nursing,
Cygnet Health Care

Life QI has enabled us to get all our QI work in one place, to run reports and access real-time dashboards of project activity. We can see where projects are successful and where others are stalling.

Dr. Matthew Grossman

Dr. Matthew Grossman

Quality and Safety officer,
Yale New Haven Health

According to customers,

Life QI's ROI is 338%


ROI Paper - cover stack