Celebrating 70 years of the NHS

Picture of Kerrie Preston

Published on 4 July 2018 at 08:00

by Kerrie Preston

NHS 70 years - NHS England Study Group - Credit Queens Nursing Institute

On the 5th July 1948 the NHS was born. Doctors, Nurses, Dentists and Pharmacists, alongside hospitals and community centres gathered together to create free healthcare delivery across the United Kingdom. Since then, the NHS has gone on to transform the health and well being of the nation, becoming the envy of the world.


Despite pressure from unprecedented demand for services, the extraordinary staff work tirelessly to ensure they provide the best level of care possible. We have been enjoying the staff, patient and volunteer stories on the nhs70 website.


There has been huge progression over the past 70 years, new treatments have surfaced, cures for illness have saved thousands of lives and the constant strive for healthcare innovation means the NHS is ever evolving and continuing to make a difference.


But it has only been in the last 20 years that there has been a significant increase in awareness of quality improvement across healthcare and general practice. Quality improvement and patient safety has become much more common place now, with many healthcare organisations giving frontline staff the time and space required to run QI projects and solve problems.


Here at Life QI we have been lucky enough to play a small part in helping over 1000 NHS organisations in their improvement journey, providing an innovative platform that allows users to capture and continually monitor their quality improvement and patient safety projects. Quality Improvement is fast becoming standard practice across the health service, with continuous focus on education and collaboration, results are showing that small changes can make a huge difference.


As we move forward in an emerging world of innovation, we will continue to develop the platform with NHS staff and worldwide members of the Life QI community.


We want to take this opportunity to say 'Happy 70th Birthday' to the NHS and thank all involved for the vital role it plays in our lives, day in day out!




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