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Are you a Life QI Administrator?
Being a Life QI Administrator is a key role for any organisation. You will have an advanced level of access to the platform and act as the central point of contact for your organisation's users.
Life QI Administrators have access to the areas of the platform that general users will not have. With this increased access, comes increased responsibility and the ability to track your team’s activity.
The use of an administration dashboard is really helpful for tracking activity (e.g., sign-ups and logins) and to understand the activity of users over a certain time period.
This dashboard will also monitor the growth of users over time and aid understanding of the level of usage under your subscription. This is particularly helpful to track licences being assigned and also ensure that you are on top of your allocated numbers.
Check out this example of an Admin dashboard:
Full access to all Life QI features and a support team excited to help you. Quality improvement has never been easier.
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