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Having implemented your QI project locally, it's important to consider how your improvement can be spread or rolled out across your organisation. This means sharing the results of a successful project beyond your own team or department to other areas of the organisation which could benefit from making the same improvement part of their working practices.
This month we talk about the differences between scale up and spread, and we explain when to choose scale up and when to spread instead. We show you how large-scale improvement can be achievable with the right amount of planning, commitment and support.
We introduce four frameworks recommended by the IHI, Health Improvement Scotland and the Mayo Clinic which you can use as a guidance to spread your change ideas.
To start spreading your improvement project, it's always a good idea planning it in advance by creating a spread plan. So, we look at various elements of your spread plan for Quality Improvement (QI) including establishing an aim for spread, as well as developing and executing your spread plan.
Spread and scale - what's the difference?If you have run a series of successful PDSA cycles and have carried out some initial testing, you will want to share your success across and beyond your organisation. You can decide whether scale up or spread your improvement. But which approach should you choose? Read more.
Frameworks for scale-up, spread and sustainThere are different frameworks available in the QI space to help you plan for spreading your QI ideas. In this article we look at some some of the 'big names' of QI recommend to scale up and spread your improvement project. Read more.
How to develop and execute a spread planDeveloping a spread plan is really useful when you're seeking to spread an improvement, as it allows you to clearly outline how the improvements you have made are planned to spread. It's useful whether your team is spreading change to another organisation, or to other parts of the same organisation. Read more.
Shaping the Transition to Whole System Quality: Examples from the FieldDeveloping a whole system quality approach could seem to be overwhelming. The IHI in their recent whitepaper recommends activities hat healthcare organisations can implement to build a foundation for the transition to whole system quality and to make quality the center of their mission. Read more.
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