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Organisation already using Life QI?
Published on 29 January 2021 at 13:00
Many of the central improvement teams we work with are trying to foster ownership of improvement by division/department leaders. But without visibility of the local improvement work it's hard for divisional leaders to know what they are taking ownership of. This is where your Life QI dashboards come in!
Often for the first time, central improvement teams can equip all their divisions/departments/services with accurate real-time insights into the work taking place within their part of the organisation. This has been shown to quickly flip the conversation with local leaders from “what QI work are we doing?” to “how are we going to make the most of all these great ideas?”.
Furthermore, given that the dashboards provide real-time insights into the improvement work taking place across the organisation they normally form the basis of your improvement management information and decision making, i.e. your improvement governance and reporting can all be run from Life QI dashboards.
It is paramount that to enable an accurate view of the work taking place, the projects feeding up to the dashboards have to be kept up to date by project teams which requires ownership at that level of QI work.
In the same way, encouraging ownership of the dashboards is paramount to the success of them.
QI leads should be encouraged to review and analyse the dashboard(s) that they have access to on a regular basis, to track, monitor and support QI that is happening under their guidance.
We hear fantastic stories of the review of dashboards as a standing item on team meeting agendas, thus making the focus on the QI work that is happening business as usual and equally important as other agenda items.
Ensuring that the governance process mirrors that of the organisation will also support the proprietorship of the work. From project team meetings, to Divisional meetings, to Board level meetings, the visibility and accessibility of reporting in this real time way will transform and modernise the way that QI is demonstrating impact.
Full access to all Life QI features and a support team excited to help you. Quality improvement has never been easier.
Organisation already using Life QI?