Feature Update: Glance Panel

Picture of Kerrie Preston

Published on 8 November 2018 at 10:13

by Kerrie Preston

test 1

The Project Glance Panel has arrived!

With a spruce up of the project general page in full swing we felt it would be a missed opportunity not to give our users a quick way of identifying how their improvement project was progressing. At the same time we wanted to offer our new QI members a helpful way of guiding them through the project creation stage by making it nice and straightforward.



Glance Panel:

The Glance Panel appears on the project general page helping to take users through the project structure, highlighting areas for completion as well as providing hints and tips on next steps.


Checkout the below screenshot to view a progressing improvement project glance panel. This offers users everything they need to quickly assess how there project is progressing. 


Life QI - Glance Panel Blog



This screenshot outlines the initial project set up. Elements of the project that still require completion are highlighted with a prompt on the glance panel to encourage users to head there next. 


 Glanc Panel Blog


 Don't forget the official launch date is on Monday 26th November.





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