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Published on 19 March 2020 at 15:30
With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation developing rapidly, we believe it is important to be transparent about how Life QI is responding to the outbreak. Our top priority is the health and safety of our employees and the communities we serve including customers and partners.
The information below is reflective of our guidelines and practices as of 19th March 2020 but given how rapidly the COVID-19 advice is changing we will update this post accordingly to reflect any fundamental changes to our plan.
All company-related travel is currently banned until 17th April 2020 (however this will continue to be monitored as we receive more advice from the UK Government). We believe that limiting travel is our safest and best option for reducing the risks of infection. Employees with pre-planned international trips, customer visits, or events will receive assistance in cancelling/rearranging.
Whilst Life QI have always endeavoured to provide an option for remote working, we have made the decision to ask all our employees to work remotely as of 16th March 2020 until further guidance is given.
In light of the situation Life QI have either cancelled or postponed forthcoming events that employees were either attending or exhibiting at until further information is given.
We will be re-arranging all office visits and for anyone that had a customer face-to-face meeting we are encouraging these to either be virtual meetings or postponed.
Life QI maintains business continuity and disaster recovery plans focusing both on preventing outage through redundancy of telecommunications, systems and business operations, and on rapid recovery strategies in the event of an availability or performance issue. These plans continue to be active and effective and all normal staff and services continue to execute against these plans as part of our remote working procedures.
Our help desk is still fully operational so we are able to continue to help support our customers when required.
We are aware that at this time communication is paramount to ensure our staff and customers are informed of the latest company updates as the situation develops. We will continue to use our communication tools, including Life QI, Slack, Trello, Zoom and email to ensure people are aware of any latest developments, we are also here to support employees and customers with any questions, concerns or support they may need during this time.
Support, empathy and safety is our top priority, we will do everything we can to support employees, their families and our customers at this time to minimise the stress, anxiety and panic.
We hope this information is helpful in understanding how Life QI is responding to coronavirus, and we appreciate the continued support from our employees and customers.
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