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We are excited to announce our new series of webinars that are designed to educate both current and new users of Life QI on how-to's and best practices. We will run three types of webinars - Live webinars, On-Demand webinars and Office Hours - which will give participants the opportunity to build in-depth knowledge of key features and ask our experts any questions about how best to use Life QI.
Check out the dedicated blog article introducing our new Webinar Hub where you can find more information about the upcoming events...
Life QI launch new Webinar HubWe will be launching our new Webinar Hub at the beginning of March 2022. We can't wait for you all to join us! Read more about our webinars and find out how to register for the different sessions. Read more.
Transition to Integrated Care SystemsThere are many changes in play currently in the way the NHS is structured, not least the transition to Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) in England - with the Health and Care Bill setting out how health and social care should be integrated - and the creation of ICSs, set out in NHS Long Term Plan. Read more.
The positive impacts of ICSsICSs are part of a major shift in the way the health and care system is organised in England. They bring huge benefits for improving patient experience and outcomes by putting patients at the heart of the ICS concept, and help tackle key challenges being faced by the NHS. Read more.
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Full access to all Life QI features and a support team excited to help you. Quality improvement has never been easier.
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