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Coaching is a long-term relationship, requiring a diverse set of strategies and methods that can be adapted to the individual needs. Each coach, armed with a set of core skills has a unique style, but they should apply the same basic principles and overall strategy of working with QI teams to facilitate their development of full-fledged, independent quality improvement (QI) programs.
This month we introduce the coaching container and explain what questions a coach should ask to create this container to find out what is to be done, how it will be done and how you know it has been done.
We'll talk about the coaching process, in particular about the CLEAR model, developed by Peter Hawkins in the 1980s and which is widely used in the industry.
The QI Coaching ContainerThe process of coaching is a container: you set out and agree what subject you wish to discuss, what time you have, what is the desired outcome, how you will know you have achieved the outcome, what roles you, as a coach will play in the session and where to start. Read more.
Trust the CLEAR Coaching ProcessThe CLEAR coaching model is a simple, five stage model that is intended to be used in each session of a multi-session coaching program. It gives the freedom to allow the conversation to flow in a structured way and helps the coach not feel that the success of the session depends entirely on them. Read more.
Making Sense of Multiple Frameworks: How to Enable Whole System QualityThe recent IHI white paper provides a more holistic approach to quality management that enables organisations to close the gap between the quality that customers are currently receiving and the quality that they could be receiving. Read more.
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