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If the events of the last year have taught us anything it is that we can adapt and change quickly when unified around a common aim. As a result of this we are seeing a rise in enthusiasm and engagement for improvement projects.
So, this month, we show how to start and run a successful QI project to achieve the desired results. We guide you through the best strategies to choose the right improvement project idea and we show you how to create and structure your project aim statement.
You can also find useful tips on how to form your project team and focus in on the type of experts you will need for a successful project. And finally, we talk you through methods for data collection and look at the ways data can help support so many aspects of your QI projects.
Selecting the right quality improvement project ideaWhen you are starting out on your quality improvement journey, one of the first things you will need to consider is identifying the problem you want to solve and the criteria for your project. Read more.
How to define the aim statement for your quality improvement projectYour aim statement is an excellent way to help you to identify and share your quality improvement goals with clinical and leadership teams. In this article, we look at how to create and structure your QI project aim statement. Read more.
How to assemble your team for a successful improvement projectImprovement work is usually coordinated via a QI team, so choosing the right improvement team is crucial. In this article, we'll show you some hints and tips to help guide you through this process. Read more.
Collecting data to improve qualityYou should use various data to monitor how your QI project is performing and to measure the quality of care. With judicious preparation, systems and tools, you will be all set to collect data you need for your project. Read more.
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Full access to all Life QI features and a support team excited to help you. Quality improvement has never been easier.
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