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We are excited to share an update that has been made to the reporting functionality in Life QI.
We have introduced the ability to report on more project roles. This allows you to report on your projects in more detail, making it clearer which groups and roles are linked to each project.
Before explaining the update in more detail, firstly a quick refresher on what project roles are in Life QI. Roles are most commonly applied to the team members and groups linked to a project. They allow you to identify the role each member/group plays as part of the project. For example, a person may have the role of Improvement Advisor or Coach, and a group may have the role of Division or Department. You can read about how to set the role of a team member or group in the Help Centre.
Until recently, the only group role you could report on was ‘Lead group’ which was limiting the ability to organise and filter reports by more specific roles. Well, that has now changed!
You can now report on all the following group roles:
• Division | • Discipline |
• Directorate | • Clinical Area |
• Service | • Care Group |
• Service line | • Support system |
• Department | • Facility |
• Borough | • CBU |
• Location | • Strategic Business Unit (SBU) |
• Site | • Hub |
• Speciality | • Region |
• Domain |
The screenshots below show 'before' and 'after' versions of how this update may change the level of detail in your reports from Life QI. In the 'before' screenshot you only have the 'lead group' column for categorising the project, but in the 'after' screenshot there are now 3 columns - Division, Department and Domain.
It might be that you need to run a quick report to share with execs to show how many projects are linked to each area of your organisation, or your governance requires you breakdown projects by domains or disciplines, or you need this sort of categorisation for external reporting. Whatever the reason or the use case, it is now easier than ever before to report on exactly where each project sits within your organisation.
We have already helped a number of customers re-configure their reports to include some of these roles and it has had a huge impact on level of detail and oversight of where each project is linked within their organisations.
If you would like help creating or updating any bespoke report templates to report on any new roles applicable to your organisation, please do let us know and we would be more than happy to help. You can either contact your Customer Success Manager or our support team on
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