November Roundup!

Picture of Kerrie Preston

Published on 3 December 2019 at 16:43

by Kerrie Preston

Life QI - November Roundup

 This month we have been checking out PDSA Cycles & Change Ideas. Here are some great articles for you to read and some helpful pointers!




Benefits of PDSA CyclesBenefits of PDSA Cycles

The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle is a "trial-and-learning" method that allows you to thoroughly but efficiently test and evaluate your ideas for change. Here are some reasons why the PDSA model is the path towards effective improvement.

Learn more about the benefits of PDSA cycles Arrow - 03





How to Plan your PDSA Cycles as a teamHow to Plan your PDSA Cycle as a Team

PDSA cycles should be rapid and the changes simple! However, as you will be conducting multiple PDSA cycles, it's a good idea to create a clear set of steps that you can follow to make each cycle as rapid as possible.

Get useful tips for planning your next PDSA Arrow - 03






10 Easy Ways Change Ideas - 0110 Easy Ways to Create Great Change Ideas

Identifying potential solutions and generating novel ideas for change can sometimes be the hardest part of any quality improvement project. So, we've created a quick-fire list of potential solutions to help you and your team get started.

See how to create change ideas easily Arrow - 03





Featured Post


IHI National Forum 2019We are heading to the IHI National Forum on December 8–11, 2019 in Orlando.

We are heading to Orlando, FL to exhibit at the annual IHI (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) National Forum on Quality Improvement in Healthcare.

Come and meet us Arrow - 03




Interesting Read


The Health Foundation

Mortality and life expectancy trends in the UK

Since 2011 improvements in life expectancy in the UK have stalled, and for certain groups of the population, gone into reverse. This analysis explores what has happened, who is affected and what is driving current trends.

Read more about the trends Arrow - 03



Case studies!

If you have any success stories or would be interested in doing a mini case study with us, we would love to hear from you. Click here to drop us an email.




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