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Most healthcare organisations need to track and evidence improvement work across multiple workstreams, themes or regulatory domains. Organisations using Life QI have evidenced that focussing efforts on having robust management and systematic reporting of QI helps to demonstrate and evidence compliance and innovation.
There may be a need to have dashboards that track QI projects that are aligned to regulatory domains, or it might be that you want to have a dashboard to evidence the Covid-19 related projects or perhaps you have a sepsis working group that needs to be able to easily monitor all of the sepsis related projects happening across your organisation. Another common theme is evidencing the projects that are aligned to your organisation’s priorities. All of this is possible through the use of Life QI analytics.
Check out this video showcasing some thematic dashboards:
By setting up groups or using tags you’re able to pull out key information relating to these areas and track important metrics on your dashboard. You can easily monitor the number of projects happening whether these are active, completed or cancelled. You can se
e how many projects are being added each month as well as track cumulative projects over time. Not only that we could also look at more granular details such as how many projects are showing improvement or perhaps showing outstanding sustainable results as well as being able to highlight the projects that may need some support if they’re stalled on a low progress score and haven’t been progressed for 30 or 90 days.
Ensuring this robust way of reporting and monitoring enables you to celebrate wins, help those struggling projects as well as being able to evidence your key metrics to senior management and regulatory bodies.
Think these could help and you want to find out more contact your Success Manager or the Help team and we would be happy to assist!
Full access to all Life QI features and a support team excited to help you. Quality improvement has never been easier.
Organisation already using Life QI?