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Published on 25 March 2020 at 15:43
'NHS Education for Scotland (NES) is an educational and training body, and a special health board within NHS Scotland - with responsibility for developing and delivering education and training for the healthcare workforce in Scotland. NES has a Scotland-wide role in undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing professional development.
NES also cooperates and collaborates with regulatory bodies and other organisations that are concerned with the development of the health and care workforce, for example the General Medical Council, universities, and other professional bodies.'
NES have a clear vision and mission with quality education at the heart of the organisation. Their aim is to improve health and care through education. A significant proportion of their work focuses on the clinical workforce, with a large part of their funding used to pay for doctors and dentists in training and the training of those who train them. NES also support public service reform and current policy priorities such as improving quality, service re-design, leadership and management, mental health, dementia, reshaping care for the elderly, young adults, and children, with a particular emphasis on enabling sustainable quality through the 2020 vision.
One of the courses developed by NES, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, and NHS Scotland Boards is The Scottish Quality & Safety Fellowship (SQSF) programme which is a leadership level quality improvement course. The Fellowship is aimed at clinicians to strengthen their leadership skills, understanding of drivers of patient safety and ability to apply improvement methodology. Previous Fellows have used these skills in their own organisations to transform care with some taking on influential national roles.
The programme is run over a 10-month period which includes residential workshops, project surgeries, virtual meetings, mentoring, a group field-trip to the IHI/BMJ International Quality & Safety Forum, a national networking event and funding for individual study trips to facilitate learning from global experts both inside and outside of healthcare.
The Fellowship is built and delivered using principles of both adult-learning and action learning, and is delivered using a blended learning style. All Fellows are expected to undertake an improvement project throughout their participation on the programme, and are expected to work on this as part of their day job. Fellows are expected to network with colleagues undertaking similar activities in the UK and abroad.
The programme consists of a combination of:
Nearly 300 Fellows have taken part in this tailored programme so far, enhancing their individual capacity for leadership in improvement and strengthening clinical leadership Scotland, as well as globally. Below outlines the current reach of the Scottish Quality & Safety Fellowship programme, going into cohort 12:
People that have undertaken the SQSF programme, have not only successfully completed an improvement project and seen the outcome, some have submitted their projects for international recognition and a good percentage of people have gone on to progress their career based on the knowledge they now have. The career progression results from completing the SQS Fellowship is shown below:
Career progression results from completing the SQS Fellowship - SQSF 10th Anniversary Networking Event Exec Summary
NES are now into their 12th year of running the SQSF programme, which has doubled in size over the past few years.
As the programme grew facilitating peer-to-peer sharing between Fellows and streamlined administration became more of a challenge. So, in 2017 NES sought a platform with a strong QI focus to complement their learning management system. They wanted something that offered peer-to-peer sharing, a mechanism for Fellows and Faculty to record progress and report as well as a system that had integrated QI tools allowing all the Fellows' QI projects to be run and shared in one single place. This system also had to assist distance learning, encourage collaboration and have a clear improvement project structure, that wasn't disjointed to ensure both the fellows were learning quality improvement methodology in a consistent way.
NES were introduced to Life QI as a robust solution that made it easier for the faculty to monitor progress of Fellows projects. It provided a consistent way for Fellows to run projects, easily share them with the others and made it simple for Fellows to regularly report on project progress.
The change was significant, overnight they went from a number of different systems, to Life QI, a system that offered the ability to house all of the fellowship projects, a structured way to record, report and analyse course work, all in one place.
NES used a range of Life QI functionality to facilitate the Fellowship programme. Let's take a look at the key aspects that have made a big difference:
So, what difference has Life QI made to the delivery of the SQS Fellowship?
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