U Chart

Picture of Kerrie Preston

Published on 9 August 2018 at 14:58

by Kerrie Preston

U chart
U Charts are used to display counts for an inconsistent sample size or "area of opportunity". For example, a hospital interested in reducing the number of falls on their wards, where the number of patients on the wards varies considerably could use a rate per 1000 Occupied Bed Days.


 Typical instances in healthcare would be:

  • Number of falls per 1,000 occupied bed days
  • Number of violet incidents per 100 admissions


U Chart Example

Here we will show you what data is required when creating a U Chart and how this is reflected in the Chart itself. 


So lets say the 'Aim' of the project was to:

Reduce the number of 'slips and trips' at New Hospital by 80% in 12 months.

and the measure was:

Number of slip and trips per week.


You would need to capture the following data:

Time Period Dates when the value was recorded (Daily, Weekly, monthly).
Count The counts recorded at every time period (The number of patients that have slipped / tripped whilst in hospital, each week).
Total Sample size each time the count was taken  


Data Capture Example:

Total number of slips and trips per week

U Chart Data Sheet Example

U Control Chart Example:
Total number of slips and trips per week


 U Chart - 02



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