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We are now weeks away from beginning the release of the most significant upgrade Life QI has ever gone through. The upcoming release will see some areas of the platform re-imagined as well as the introduction of new functionality. Life QI v3 will come with unprecedented levels of flexibility allowing customers to customise the platform just the way they want it. We are super excited about this release and look forward to introducing you all to it in the coming weeks. Ahead of the release don’t forget to check out the sneak previews on our Labs blog.
Having worked with customers to understand the best process for rollout, we have chosen to run a staged switch over to v3. The new options for customisation provide greater opportunity for configuration. So, to help customers get to grips with the new setup and configuration we will be adopting a staged rollout process. This allows us to support all of our customers equally whilst they get to grips with Life QI v3.
The release process will start on 15 June 2020. With 34 different countries using Life QI around the world, the switch over dates from v2 to v3 will be staggered. This ensures all of our customers get dedicated support when transitioning from the previous version.
Each country will switch over once the customer setup and data migration for that country are complete. The order and timing of each country's switch over is subject to change because of variations in customer setup complexity and data migration, so we will not be advertising switch over dates in advance. You will however be notified as soon as your country switches to v3.
As we countdown to the switch over to v3 it is natural to have questions about how the process will work and what you have to do. The good news is you don’t have to do anything, and we have compiled answers to the most commonly asked questions below ...
We are not advertising switch over dates because they are dependent on customer readiness and completion of migration. We will switch each country over onto v3 as soon as possible, but only once the required assurance checks have been passed. As soon as you are switched over to v3 you will be notified by email.
Yes. The data you have and continue to enter into v2 will be migrated over to v3 for you.
The existing v2 will remain available and usable right up to the switch over and all data will be migrated in the switch from v2 to v3. So, keep using v2 as normal. Once the switch to v3 is made users will be notified by email. At which point you will continue to access and log in to Life QI just as you do now.
Users do not need to do anything. Some customers will be asked to review and contribute to the design of their workflows, reports and dashboards. These customers will be contacted individually by their Success Manager in advance.
We will be running public webinars from the week commencing 22 June providing a walkthrough of the main changes in v3. There will be several webinars each week running right through and after the release process. If you wish to join a webinar before your switch over date you are welcome to do so. Alternatively, you can join a webinar once you have access to v3. Details of how to book onto the webinars will be posted here soon.
Throughout the release process and afterwards we will be running freely available webinars to demonstrate the new functionality to users. Everyone is welcome to join these. Dates will be shared soon with details on how to book a place. We will of course also be providing all our usual support by email, live chat and phone.
For customers with custom reports, dashboards or their own project workflows, we will be sharing information on how these will look and work in v3. These customers will be asked to comment on their setup by email and/or on conference calls. If any customers are unable to support this activity their setup will be migrated over for them as per the setup in v2.
The v3 setup process will start from the week commencing 15 June 2020. Our Success Managers will be reaching out to customers from 15 June with customer specific plans.
Yes. The help centre will be updated to reflect the v3 functionality upon your switch over to v3.
If you didn’t find the answer to your question here feel free to contact your Success Manager or the support team on
Full access to all Life QI features and a support team excited to help you. Quality improvement has never been easier.
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