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Organisation already using Life QI?
Published on 17 May 2022 at 14:23
Cygnet Health Care is one of the largest independent providers of mental health services in the UK. They operate a national network of 150 health and social care services.
Cygnet’s Quality Improvement strategy supports its mission to provide high quality, sustainable specialist services that ensure service users feel safe and supported, staff are proud of, commissioners and service users select, and that stakeholders trust.
Their QI strategy sets out how continuous improvement will become ‘business as usual’ and fully integrated into culture and every day practices at Cygnet. Cygnet’s Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 sets out its corporate priorities for the next five years. This plan gives priority to driving Quality Improvement across the organisation and reflects its ambition to provide outstanding, safe, high quality services for every individual in its care.
After appointing a QI Lead and establishing a new QI team, Cygnet began its search for a software platform that would provide a consistent framework and centralised repository for its QI work.
They also needed a solution that would connect its expert and highly dedicated care team of 10,000 employees across 150 services in the UK. As a close contractor to the NHS, being able to collaborate and share QI work with NHS Trusts was of paramount importance too. Life QI ticked all the boxes.
In May 2021, Cygnet implemented Life QI. The platform has since accelerated their journey to quality excellence. It is early days, but Cygnet’s QI projects are already starting to show results. Life QI are proud to support Cygnet on their improvement journey through 2022 and beyond.
“Introducing Life QI across Cygnet has given us a real way to support our staff to deliver meaningful improvements to their services. Supported by our Quality Improvement Plan and Quality Improvement Strategy, our recently established Quality Improvement Team are now able to use Life QI to empower our staff to undertake improvement projects in conjunction with our service users. Due to the size of Cygnet, Life QI has given us a practical way to record Quality Improvement activity across the group, allowing us to have oversight of our improvement efforts, whilst the powerful dash-boarding functions allow us to have the right information discussed in key areas of the organisation.
Full access to all Life QI features and a support team excited to help you. Quality improvement has never been easier.
Organisation already using Life QI?