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These days organisations in every industry try to do their best to improve their processes in order to achieve increased customer satisfaction. They know that they need to innovate if they want to stay competitive. And innovation requires change.
There are many methods out there, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel to find a methodology that works for your project. But you might not be sure which methodology to use, so to help you decide, we started a new series of blog articles which aims to introduce the most important improvement methodologies.
This month we took a closer look at the Model for Improvement and the Lean Methodology. You can read more about how you can use it, get advice on when it's the ideal choice of improvement method and analyse their pros and cons.
Model For ImprovementThe model for improvement is one of the most popular Quality Improvement (QI) models in use in healthcare settings today and is a tried and tested method. In this blog, we drill down into the detail and find out how the model for improvement actually works and the thinking behind it. Read more.
Lean MethodologyLearn more about the Lean quality management system, from its origins in the Toyota Production System in the 1950s to its widespread adoption in the 1990s. In this blog article, we look at the aims of Lean: to improve flow and remove waste from systems and processes and look in detail about how Lean is driven by customer needs and adds value for the customer. Read more.
Improvement Hero: Taiichi OhnoTaiichi Ohno (1912 - 1990) was a leader in industrial engineering and is well known as the creator of the Toyota Production System, which in turn inspired the Lean theory and stemmed a wide range of QI processes. We’ look into his inventions and how his thinking helped shape Quality Improvement in healthcare. Read more.
Webinar Calendar for JulyWe have added some new webinars to the Life QI calendar in July. Why not join us as a refresher, as a new user or as a Life QI trainer. These webinars are a great way of understanding the platform and give you the opportunity to ask our Life QI team questions, live! Read more.
What Kind of Quality Department Best Supports Whole System Quality?This recent IHI article explains why Quality should be everyone’s job in a health care organisation. Yet, as the Juran Handbook points out, supporting quality also requires a dedicated team. Read more.
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Full access to all Life QI features and a support team excited to help you. Quality improvement has never been easier.
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