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This month we would like to introduce the Life QI community and a rich library of active, completed, successful and failed improvement work to learn from. Take a look at our recent blog article to find out more on connect with the healthcare improvement community in Life QI, search for and collaborate with improvers, see what they are working on and learn from them.
We also have an interesting feature update, so continue reading!
How to accelerate improvement by learning from your QI communityConnecting improvers from other healthcare organisations to exchange advice, successes, failures and approaches helps to shortcut your way to improvement. However, it might be challenging to connect with the community. Read more.
IECS Argentina improve ICUs quality of care during Covid-19Over the past year the IECS have been running a collaborative to support to improve ICUs quality of care in the public health sector of Argentina. This included 14 teams from 7 different provinces across the country. Read more.
New in-app product tours available in Life QIWe're happy to announce the revolutionised onboarding experience in Life QI. The new guided tours reduce the learning time, so users can learn to navigate the system and get on with improving healthcare quicker. Read more.
Can Improving Value Enhance Staff Experience?The application of the value management methodology demonstrates a positive impact in reducing costs, improving staff engagement and morale, and improving patient safety. It offers a way to bring all the work together, focus on what’s important for a team, and connect it back to the organization. Read more.
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Full access to all Life QI features and a support team excited to help you. Quality improvement has never been easier.
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