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A couple of months ago we created the Improvement Hub aiming to benefit improvement professionals and those who are interested in quality improvement looking to enhance their knowledge and expertise through different topics to support the delivery of sustainable improvement.
This month at Life QI we are happy to introduce two new pages that have been added to the Improvement Hub. Check it out to learn more about the most commonly used improvement methods and help you choose the right one to bring the best results to your organisation, or find out more about improvement heroes, people who heavily influenced the improvement science in the last century.
Improvement MethodologiesImprovement Methodologies play a vital role in evaluating and developing business processes for maximum productivity, efficiency, scalability, and profitability. We introduce the best improvement methodologies to get you started. Read more.
Joseph Juran: Founder of many of the key quality management programsJoseph M. Juran (1904 - 2008), born in Romania and later emigrated to the United States, was one of the pioneers in the field of Total Quality and, with his over seventy years of career, he can be considered fully one of the "fathers" of quality. Read more.
Follow us on YouTubeEnjoy the flexibility and freedom to view our webinars on demand whenever you want. Life QI provides you with a wide range of videos to help you get started with the software or to learn more about the best ways to use the features to get most out of your improvement work. Read more.
What a Patient Advocate Wants You to Know About Co-Designing CareA recent IHI article discusses the importance of the patient's voice to be embedded into the care. In an interview with Lindsay Deveaux they discuss what else care providers need to know about co-designing care with patients and families. Read more.
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Full access to all Life QI features and a support team excited to help you. Quality improvement has never been easier.
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