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This month we continued our new Improvement Heroes series of blog articles. For May we chose W. Edwards Deming for his contributions in the field of statistics and quality control. You can read more about his life, how he helped the economic miracle to happen in Japan after the Second World War and what led to the development of the Total Quality Management method.
We also have a new interesting case study about Cygnet Health Care, one of the biggest private healthcare providers in the UK who chose Life QI as their platform to improve quality and connect their teams in 150 different locations.
Also our webinar calendar is updated now which contains our live sessions for June. Whether you're new to Life QI or just want to deepen your knowledge and master your Life QI skills, consult our calendar and choose the most suitable times.
Cygnet Health Care's priority to drive improvement forwardCygnet Health care implemented Life QI as a consistent framework and centralised repository for their QI work. Their goal was to connect 10,000 employees across 150 services in the UK, and collaborate and share QI work with NHS Trusts. Read more.
Improvement Hero: W. Edwards DemingEdwards William Deming (1900-1993) is considered by many to be the founder of the quality movement and a real reference in the field of statistics. Many in Japan also consider him to be one of the inspirations of the Japanese economic miracle, which occurred from 1950 to 1960. Read more.
Webinar Calendar for JuneWe have added some new webinars to the Life QI calendar in June. Why not join us as a refresher, as a new user or as a Life QI trainer. These webinars are a great way of understanding the platform and give you the opportunity to ask our Life QI team questions, live! Read more.
The Criminalization of Medical Errors Should Be a Wake-up Call for Health Care LeadersThis recent IHI article explains why it's critical that healthcare leaders assure their staff that they support transparent, open, and honest reporting of error and harm events to take the necessary steps to eliminate them. Read more.
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